
Solutions for Shoulder Pain and Injuries

Physiotherapy and clinical exercise programs are available for shoulder pain and injuries to decrease pain, progress towards optimum function and prevent recurrence of the problem.

Treatment is tailored specifically to your individual needs, biomechanical/postural assessment and demands of your lifestyle.


Treatments Available Include:

  • Biomechanical Analysis
  • Rotator Cuff Strengthening
  • Stretching, Strengthening & Stabilizing Exercises
  • Motor Control Exercises for Correct Patterning
  • Posture / Ergonomic Training
  • Pre and Post-Operative Care


 This approach is beneficial for conditions such as:

  • Bursitis
  • Dislocation
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Impingement
  • Poor Posture
  • Rotator Cuff Strains / Tears
  • Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy
  • Shoulder Instability
  • Overuse Injuries
  • Sports Injuries
  • Post-Operative Rehabilitation


Shoulder Pain: A Multimodal Rehabilitation and Treatment Approach

The shoulder complex due to its dynamic functional requirements can suffer from a variety of problems such as pain, instability due to a lack of strength or endurance, capsular and muscular stiffness, aberrant patterning and poor neuromuscular control.

Common Symptoms

Painful with activities
Pain in the shoulder and arm
Pain while sleeping or at rest
The inability to raise your arm
Sudden catching on movement
Decreased movement

Common causes of pain and dysfunction

Some of these conditions may be work, age, trauma, disease or sport related.

Rotator cuff tears
Impingement syndromes
Frozen shoulder
Scapular dysfunctions
Sports injuries


Scapular/thoracic joint: This area needs the freedom of movement, combined with dynamic stability and optimal timing to place the Gleno-humeral joint in the optimal position for torque production.

Scapular dyskinesia

The Rotator Cuff provides stability to the gleno-humeral joint, also enables
pre-setting for the desired movement, proprioception, and getting the system ready for action.

Frozen shoulder
Degenerative joint disease


Based on:
Acute / overuse
Irritable / non-irritable
Structural / non-structural

Exercise prescription and loading must be specific and progress appropriately for each individual, leading to a balance of strength, endurance, motor control, including the functional capacity required for activities during sport and daily life.


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